Monday, March 25, 2013

Phil Spector HBO Review

Watched "Phil Spector" last night on HBO. The critics didn't seem to care much for it, but I found it entertaining in all phases of the production. Pacino and Mirren were good, direction and screenplay were good. The critics got onto David Mamet because it's not accurate. DUH, it was not touted to be accurate. It was just a dramatization and stated such before a word in the movie was spoken. It did cast doubt on the verdict and seemed to blame the victim for her own death which evolved in the story from suicide to a dumb accident. 

Remember those 'thingys' (usually yellow) that we put in the middle of 45 records so they would fit on an LP player. Well most of Mirren's defense team had not only no idea what they were, they thought the 45 record was something that was used in an old computer… you know, like a precursor to a CD. They weren't that young either!

Anyway, great sound track. I especially liked Rebecca Pidgeon's interpretation of 'Spanish Harlem'.

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