Thursday, March 14, 2013

How Safe Is Public Art?

Some weeks ago I was reading a discussion regarding the security of public art. Some call it graffiti and indeed there is a genre known as graffiti art. My personal opinion is that it is art … period.

Anyway not too long after that discussion, a work by the British artist Branksy goes missing from a wall in London and turns up for auction in Miami.



Wood Greens Investment ended up with the piece (and won't say how), then sold it to a private collector who in-turn put it up for auction in Miami. Some legal minds believe ownership of the art belongs to the owner of the structure on which in was created.  

I am not certain of work's current status. I think the auction house held off selling it until some legal opinion is given. I know the local community in London wants it back. The ramifications of the removal and selling it poses questions for the security of other graffiti masterpieces.

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